Thursday, April 17, 2008


    I recently suffered a little setback, another heart attack and two more trips to the "Cath Lab". While I was laying in the hospital recovering from the latest intervention I started thinking of the people who all had a hand in my recovery.
    Of course the first person that comes to anyone's mind following something like this is our doctor. Steven Filardo is a very good cardiologist who really cares about his patients, not only our hearts but our souls as well. Another doctor is Juan Ortiz. Dr. Ortiz was filling in for Dr. Filardo while he was on vacation and I really liked him as well. One of my heart caths was performed by Dr. Hollis, another fine doctor and one more with a hand in my recovery.
    On the front lines are the nurses and medical aids that took care of me and watched over both me and my wife Kim while I was at the hospital. I wish I could remember every name, and most last names I never knew in the first place. I know them all by first names and thank each one. Tammy, Linda, Diane,, Jay, Jeff, Chris, Beth, Donna, Melissa, Regina, Debbie, Jan, Sarah, Marissa and Meghan are a small sampling of the people who helped look over me during my stay. I want to thank every one of these people as well as anyone I have forgotten to mention, you are all Angels here on Earth and I am grateful for each and every one of you.
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