Monday, May 12, 2008

The Moores

I talked to a friend last week, well actually I talk to him all the time. Dave has something like the same job I have at the company's Sellersburg plant, so we talk a lot about truck loads and things. But last week he read my postings here and asked if I would like to help him out a little. Dave has a son named David who was born with a very bad heart defect. It is called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. In this syndrome the left side of the heart does not develop properly and basically the child is left with half of a heart.
I took a look at Dave's web site, you can see it by clicking HERE, and there is an awful lot of information about different congenital heart defects and the medical procedures that can be performed to help out. (Make sure you click the "Our Story" link to learn the whole story about Dave and his family.) Notice I didn't say procedures to cure the children since there really is no cure for most of the defects. Surgery can help the hearts pump better or at a better rate, some procedures can rebuild defective valves or arteries, but nobody can repair a heart that has not developed properly, only work some miracles and make the heart run more efficiently and pump blood more effectively so the children can lead a more normal life.
Dave read my posting last week about wanting to help out in some way. He called and suggested that instead of becoming a nurse (yeah right! I am going to empty a bed pan!) maybe I would like to help him raise some money for children like David. How could anyone say no to that?
I'll be posting more about David in the future. He is getting ready to have his fourth birthday on May 24th. He is doing well but still has more that needs to be done to his heart. He has had a rough time over the last four years. He has had heart surgeries and a stroke, but keeps on fighting.
I've had problems with my heart, but I can't imagine being required to watch as my son fought something like this. Dave, his wife Tammy, and their daughter have had a tough time, but with God's help they are doing alright. So keep them in your prayers and I will be adding links to sites where you can learn more or give a little to help kids like David.

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